Monday 7 November 2011

The Hammer Burger - recipe.

This is hopefully the first of many guest posts on Lyons Made. Created by Matthew Ryan (@ClaretNBlues on Twitter) is this monstrous 'Hammer' burger. Give it a try and let us know what you thought of it. Cheers Matt!

When Craig asked me to do a guest piece on Lyons Made, the original plan was to submit a recipe for a 'Luther Burger' - a bacon and cheese burger sandwiched between 2 toasted iced doughnuts, drizzled with maple syrup. But I was so desperate to to try my new creation that I decided the 'Luther' could wait.
What I bring you today is something special indeed!. What is it? It's a burger, topped with caramelised onions and a fried egg between two toasted cheese sandwiches. Before you pass judgement, I implore you to try it, you will NOT be sorry you did. (Although your waistline might!)

For the burger (makes around 4)
550 minced beef
25g chopped coriander
1 red onion, chopped
1 tbsp Dijon mustard or half a teaspoon of wasabi.

1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper

other ingredients

4 slices of white bread

1 medium onion (sliced)

4 slices of cheese (Kraft or any supermarket brand is fine)
1 free range egg
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 
1 teaspoon of white sugar
2 tablespoons of vegetable or sunflower oil
American Mustard (optional)

1. Place all the burger ingredients in a large bowl and stir well to combine. Using your hands, shape into four equal-sized burgers, I sometimes use a circular cutter. Putting these raw burgers in the fridge for half an hour, may help prevent them from breaking when cooked.
2. Heat the vegetable oil in a medium pan and add the sliced onions. After about 4-5 mins add the balsamic vinegar and sugar to the onions and heat on low/medium for around 25 mins or until caramelised, stirring regularly. If the onions begin to go dry, just add a tablespoon or 2 of water. The vinegar will add a new dimension to your onions.
3. While the onions are cooking, grill or fry your burger to your specifications (about 15 minutes under  grill, turned once), (I like mine medium rare) and prepare your sandwiches for toasting by placing 2 slices of cheese between 2 slices of bread. Now you need to make your toasties, I do mine in the George Foreman grill but they can be done on any grill or in a toastie machine.
4. Now you can fry your egg. Again, you can do this to the specifications you like. I like mine with a runny yolk.
5. When the cheese sandwiches are toasted, place the cooked burger on top of one and drizzle with ketchup. Add the cooked onions on top of the burger. Next place the egg on top of the onions and drizzle with American mustard.
6. Place the second toasted cheese sandwich on top on press down firmly. I usually find at this stage that 15 seconds in the microwave helps it all all gel together nicely, but this is optional.
7. Tuck in and enjoy!
photo by Matthew Ryan

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm looks lovely you must eat the lot you fat cunt !
